At co-op I have time to focus on what I want without being overloaded by it’s not about the “work”, it’s about the understanding and I like that.
— M, co-op mentee, 13

Who They Are

Your teenager is quickly moving towards becoming an involved citizens and community member. They are solidifying their core beliefs but still need support living a life that stays true to their values as they enter the wider world.

Your child wants to feel their learning is relevant to their experiences, aligned with their interests, and that their work and ideas can have impact.

Our program aims to provide your child with a rich and engaging environment that includes a balance of learning disciplines that can be signed up for in the combination that best suits their learning goals. This creates a custom learning schedule for your child and supports them in carving their own path while also equipping them with the skills they need to think critically and begin taking ownership of their education.

It’s not uncommon for homeschooled teens to pursue paths that allow them to fast-track high school so they can begin college or career training sooner. For all of our enrolled teens, an individualized high school plan and course grades can be provided for your homeschool transcripts upon request.

Core Disciplines

Note: Final course options for 2024 -2025 will be announced in June 2024.

Morning Mindset

“Your life is a direct reflection of your dua.” –Shaykh Muhamamd Al-Shareef

Morning Mindset sessions are Islamic discussions that aim to motivate, inspire, awaken, and provoke deeper thoughts about your child’s purpose, identity, goals, and the ways in which they can strive to achieve them while upholding our values.

Mathematical Thinking

“There should be no such thing as boring mathematics.” - Edsger W. Dijkstra, Scientist.

A blend of independent learning and group activities, this course supports your child in progressing through their individual, self-paced math curricula (brought from home) and inspires them to experience mathematics in new ways through games, projects, and more.

Note: WHC offers support to any enrolled family needing help in choosing curriculum.


“Science is Curiosity” – Sally Ride, Astronaut and First American Woman in Space

In this interdisciplinary course, your child will dive deep into the scientific method with higher order thinking approaches such as questioning, discussion, investigation, analysis, and problem-solving. 

A flipped class, course lectures and reading will be assigned to be completed at home so in class time can be dedicated to collaborative, hands-on learning and labs.

Our science courses are comprised of a Discovery Portion and a Lab portion and are offered at both Honors and General levels. Current offerings for the 2024-2025 cooperative year include:

Anatomy will explore the inner workings of the human body, including all major body systems, organs, and bones. Lab work will focus on hands-on anatomy investigations as well as dissections.

The Secret Life of Nature will dive deep into local flora and fauna with weekly outdoors excursions, naure journaling, lab investigations, class dissections, and real world citizen science projects.


“Iqra” – Noble Qur’an

Our Literature and Writing courses offer your child guided group discussions, hands-on projects, and writing assignments for the purpose of developing critical thought, analysis, and honing their writing voice. Currently offerings for the 2024-2025 cooperative year include:

Voices of the World combines studying literature from around the world with Writer’s Workshop to reflect on who we are as an individuals living in America. This will help us discover and answer the essential question: How do I find my voice in a global conversation? This course is offered in both Honors and General levels.

Content Creation teaches your child to develop their communications writing skills and apply them to the modorn world of content marketing. Through weekly readings from experts, and active writing projects, your child will learn how to write and publish memes, carousels, blog posts, newsletters and more!


“We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.” – Dakota Tribe Saying

Combining discussions of History, Politics, Geography, Religion, Civics, Current Affairs, and more, these interdisciplinary courses will encourage your child to critically examine macro global processes and their impacts on communities. Our current offerings for the 2024-2025 cooperative year include:

Triumphs and Tragedies of the 20th Century will take your child on a journey through 20th century wars, decolonization, exciting innovations in science nad technology, and their lasting impacts on our world today.

Economics 101 will explore principles of economic theory, maket dynamics, and financial decision making. Your child will learn to think critically about modern financial issues, trends, growth and prosperity, poverty, and more!

Passion Projects

Children thrive when they are allowed time and freedom to pursue the work that genuinely interests them. In this course, your child will get to puruse projects of their own design that align with their personal passions while learning foundational skills in growth mindset, goal setting, time and project management.

Elective Coursework

Elective offerings allow your child to select additional courses that align with their personal interests. Elective courses will be offered throughout the year by a skilled instructor and will vary in topic and length, depending on the offering.

Past electives providers have included Danilo’s Chess Academy, Montclair Film Academy, Culinary Courses, Art Exploration Courses, II Architectural Services, Basketball, and more!

Note: All elective courses are included in the main tuition. Final elective schedule will be released to enrolled families before the start of the year.

Internship & Service Projects

For those teens wanting their education to have more impact, members of our community have graciously offered to host a set number of mentees for internship and community service positions. These opportunities can allow your child to gain invaluable work experience, field training, and mentorship from skilled guides and professionals.

Note: All internship and service opportunities are included in the main tuition and will provide documentation of hours, tasks, and participation. Internship hours may be served off-site and outside of the regular co-op schedule, depending on the provider. Specific opportunities and their available schedules will be released to enrolled families before the start of the year.

At co-op I have more freedom to choose what to do and I’m not held back because others don’t understand.
— R, co-op mentee, 14