Benefits of Eclectic Homeschooling
There are many ways that a family can choose to homeschool their children. Some of the more well known styles/ philosophies for homeschooling include:
School-at-Home (which could be through any one of the above methods in-person or online)
We've tried many of these, and while each has their own beauty and strength, the approach that worked best for our family was Eclectic Homeschooling.
Eclectic Homeschooling isn't a stand-alone philosophy to education, rather it's an approach to home education that mixes and matches different philosophies as they suit your family's unique needs.
A More Personalized Education
One of the most significant benefits of eclectic homeschooling is the ability to personalize your child's education.
Every child is unique, with individual strengths, interests, and ways of learning. Eclectic homeschooling embraces this diversity by giving parents the freedom to choose a variety of resources and methods from different educational philosophies.
It also removes the pressure to assign specific labels to yourself during your homeschool journey, freeing you from the rigidity of strict frameworks and giving you more room to choose materials and content that speak to your child.
An eclectic approach can help create ease and flexibiilty for the family by providing more dynamic opportunties and a more adaptable learning environment than school at-home or all-in-one approaches.
Mixing and matching resources for your child allows you to target their unique interests and adjust the depth of learning according to their needs.
It can also be much easier to make changes along the way if something doesn't work out well. Instead of having to toss an entire year's worth of resources that you likely paid big bucks for, you can simply swap out the one material giving you trouble and keep everything else that works well.
This helps you save time, money, and sanity!
Does researching and curating an eclectic mix of resources take more time and effort for parents? It definitely can. But it also means that you get to take on a more active role in your child’s education and start to become intimately in tune with how your child learns best, and you can best support them.
Want to start mixing and matchin resources for your child?
Check out our tips for Eclectic Homeschooling here.