Benefits of Road Schooling

Roadschooling can be a beautiful way to enrich your family's learning journey and provide valuable experiences you can't get from textbooks.

First-Hand Experiences

When kids visit historical sites, explore national parks, or engage first-hand with people from different cultures, they gain a deeper appreciation of the world as well as understanding of subjects like history, geography, social studies, and foreign languages.

Instead of just reading about the Grand Canyon, they can stand at its edge, feeling its vastness and seeing its colors change with the sunlight.

When our family was studying Marine Biology, we made sure to do it while spending the season on the California Coast. Spending day after day at the beach led us not just to read about the tides, but to experience their power and pull in person. We didn't just google documentaries about Sea Lions or Anemones; we tiptoed along rocky shorelines to avoid anemone stingers and watch male Sea Lions battle eachother in the sand.

Real-World Skills

Another benefit of Road Schooling is the development of real-world skills. Kids who road school often help plan travel routes, manage budgets, and learn how to navigate new places. These activities teach them practical life skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, and financial literacy. They also become more adaptable and confident in unfamiliar situations, which is a valuable trait in today's ever-changing world.

A dear homeschooling friend once took her family to spend 18 months in Hawaii. Upon arriving, her children joined a Summer Camp that taught them all about the culture, language, crafts, and traditional practices of Native Hawaiians.

Before they took their family trip to France, one of Christina's older children took it upon himself to learn a bit of French through an online course with Outschool. When he arrived in France was able to use his new skills to confidently communicate with French locals at marketplaces and restaurants.

Tailoring the Curriculum

One of the greatest benefits of road schooling is that it allows for a flexible curriculum that's tailored to a child's interests.

If your child is fascinated by American History, families can spend more time at the Historical sites like the Princeton Battlefield, Thomas Edison National Park, or take a walking tour of Harlem. If they enjoy the arts, you can drive to DC and hit all of the Smithisonian exhibits.

Personalized approaches keep kids engaged and excited about learning because they're studying topics they're truly passionate about.

Family Bonding

Families spend a lot of time together on the road, collaborating and sharing experiences. This can lead to stronger relationships and lifelong memories of your years home educating.

It's not just about seeing new places together; it's about taking advantage of once in a lifetime opportunities and keeping yourselves open to adventures you never even knew you could have, and learn from, together.

Keep reading for some of Christina's top tips for Road Schooling