A Hard Truth About Homeschool Co-ops

Here's a hard truth: homeschool cooperatives take work.

And everyone needs to get their hands dirty.

When you join a homeschool cooperative, you are not just joining a single class for your individual child, you are joining an entire community of families and children all working, learning, and growing together.

Think of it like a caravan, traveling along with many different people from many different backgrounds. Everyone pitches in to help one another keep moving forward. Everyone shares, trades, and works together to bring benefit to the whole group. Though the travelers all got here through different means and experiences, they have all agreed to move together towards the same destination, for a shared purpose.

Throughout the journey, you may experience many beautiful and joyful moments. You may also experience your fair share of challenges, because that's the nature of traveling and growing.

Wildflower is like that caravan: a growing village of Muslim families on the move, who have chosen to travel together, through all the ups and downs, on this journey called homeschool.

If you're just starting out with us, the journey may seem long and arduous but trust that when we all work together, we lift each other up and help make the road easier for everyone. The more effort that you are able to put into this experience, for the benefit of all in the group, the more that you will be able to get out of your time with us, inshaAllah.