Setting Your Homeschool Intentions

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "Actions are according to their intentions and everyone will get what was intended." (reported in Bukhari and Muslim)

Whatever brought you to this point, whether it's your first year homeschooling or your fifth, it's important to frequently check your intentions and your WHY for being here.

Knowing the why behind our decisions in homeschool is vital to helping us stay grounded, focused on the big picture, and prioritizing the things that truly matter to us. Having clear intentions about that why, and the how that we choose to take along the way, allows us to cut through the noise and move forward in our homeschooling with clarity and purpose.

The kind of intentions you set can also shape the direction that your homeschool takes.

For example, a family whose sole intention for homeschooling is to fast track learning for an early graduation may take a much more rigorous approach than a family who intended to homeschool to allow their child time and space to move at their own pace. A family intending homeschool to spend more time together may engage in more relaxed, family-style learning or take their learning on the road as they travel and have new experiences together. A family only homeschooling while they wait for their child to be accepted into the local school system may feel more inclined to sustain a school-like structure at home.

Regardless of your why, here are five intentions that we suggest every Muslim family set and routinely renew for their homeschools:

  1. We will use our homeschool as a means for our family to get closer to Allah and earn His pleasure.

  2. We will use the time we have in homeschool as a means for our family to get closer to each other and grow in our understanding and love for one another.

  3. We will take advantage of the flexibility homeschool has to offer to create an experience and environment that meets our unique children's needs.

  4. We will use our homeschool as a means to help foster a life-long love for learning.

  5. We will pray for the success of our homeschool, the success of our children, and the success of ourselves as parents and guides.