Helping to Bring the Lessons of the Qur'an to Life for our Children

At Wildflower Homeschool Collective, one of our main goals is to raise our children to learn about our faith in a holistic way that touches every aspect of our lives. Islam is not merely a subject to be learned in a text book nor is it limited to specific days or times. The learning of faith is a life-long process that should be incorporated in many different styles. 

As two seasoned homeschooling mamas, we’ve found it difficult to find Islamic curricula that help build a strong faith-based foundation for our children and meet their needs. What was available were either materials entirely in Arabic or dry textbook style workbooks about our faith. At one point, I (Christina) even resorted to purchasing secular or Christian-based materials and tailoring them to fit my family’s needs. But it is often challenging work to do this. 

That’s when we founded the Wildflower Homeschool Collective with the hope of cultivating a robust homeschool community as well as creating Islamic homeschool curricula, workbooks and resources that target different subject areas in a hands-on, project based approach that cater to a child's creativity. 

Today, we’re proud to introduce to you our first product, a Level 1 interactive Qur’anic Copy Book, “Roots.

We started with a copy book because it is a staple in many homeschooling families homes – but we wanted our children to engage in copywork that reminded them of the beautiful lessons of Islam. We carefully carefully curated each verse for copywork, choosing passages that describe Allah (swt)’s attributes and His signs in nature to help foster a deep love and appreciation for Allah (swt) and His creation while nurturing our children’s curiosity about the natural world.

As we worked on the book, it evolved from a standard copy book to an interactive and engaging workbook full of family discussion topics, additional resources such as books, videos and games that tie into the lessons, and 37 weeks of project and activity ideas to help bring each verse’s lesson to life for your child.

Roots is not just for homeschoolers - it was made to be easily incorporated in any Muslim child’s Islamic education, whether it’s at home or in school.

To know Him is to love him. And there is no better gift we can give our children than a deep, deep love and understanding of our Lord and faith. It is the foundation on which they will build the rest of their Islamic knowledge, inshAllah.

We don't need more dry textbook style information. We need to facilitate connections between Qur'anic wisdoms and the world around us. It's about showing our children, and reminding ourselves, that the lessons revealed over a thousand years ago are still just as relevant and present for us to learn from today.

We hope you’ll join us on this journey!


Christina & Melissa

Co-Founders of Wildflower Homeschool Collective