3 Tips for Transitioning to Homeschool

Whether you're coming from a traditional school system and this is your first time homeschooling, or you've been homeschooling for a time but are entering new pursuits such as co-ops or group classes, here are a few tips to help you transition into your new experiences and roles with ease:

Tip #1: Remember Your Purpose for Pursuing Home Education

Your purpose for homeschooling is your WHY.

Why are you here? Why are you choosing to home educate this year? What are you hoping to gain from it?

Whatever your answers to those questions are will help define your goals throughout the year and carry you through the ups and downs. When in doubt, fear, or anxiety, remembering your purpose can help to keep you grounded along the homeschool journey and keep things in perspective.

Tip #2: Start Slowly

Sometimes we feel like we have to do everything all at once, but that approach rarely helps bring us ease during times of major transition. Instead, try starting with just one thing and let yourself get the hang of it before introducing something else.

If you’re joining a new co-op this year, let your children to take part without adding extra learning at home for a while. After some time, when the kids have adjusted to co-op life, and you have a good flow schedule and work-wise, you can start filling in any gaps little by little on your days at home.

If it’s your first time homeschooling period, definitely introduce subjects slowly to avoid recreating a school-like atmosphere at home. Try starting with something they love or something that comes easy for them so they can begin their year with comfort and joy.

Tip #3: Take Your Children’s Feelings and Perspectives Seriously

Your children are allowed to have feelings about their learning journey.

They’re allowed to have good days. They’re allowed to have bad days. They’re allowed to have all sorts of days in between. Let them feel and express themselves. Try not to take it personally and instead, hear them out with compassion and curiosity. Help them problem solve when needed.

Take their ideas and feedback seriously and make real effort to accommodate their needs. Home education is a shared journey and it needs to work for everyone. Only by having open conversations can you find the sweet spot that works for your family.

Tip #4: Watch for Opportunities

Change is really just another word for chance. With every transition, comes opportunities for learning and personal growth.

Embrace the opportunities that Allah sends you. Celebrate each step that moves you forward. Reflect along the way and take time to align your efforts and lessons to your purpose. This is how you find your stride.