Tips for Winter Homeschooling

Winter is officially here. As temperatures drop and daylight gets shorter, Winter blues can start to set in and create a negative fog over your homeschool. Time seems to drag on, engagement wanes, and tensions rise. But it doesn't have to be this way. Try the following tips for beating the Winter Homeschool Blues.

Get Outside

Heading outside can refresh tired routines indoors. Exposure to sunlight, especially in Winter, can boost your mood, strengthen immunity, and even help you get better sleep. When you feel your or the kids' energy is draining, try taking a brisk walk outdoors. Take your learning with you to the skate park or playground. Go for hikes, bike rides, or skiing as a family. And of course, def make time to play in the snow!

Mix It Up

Learning the same way day in and day out gets boring, especially in Winter when the days seem to drag on and on. The cold months are a great time to liven up your learning with different and fun alternatives to the norm. Are your children used to doing their math work from a book or a computer? Try a few math related boardgames instead! Has your highschooler been hyper focused on academic courses? Bring out the paint, brushes, or clay and let them spend some time winding down and exploring with art. Is your middle schooler tired of library runs for their history learning? Heat up some popcorn and pop on a documentary instead. Adding variety to your learning is a sure boredom buster and can bring fresh energy into your homeschool routines this season.

Get Cozy

Cold weather equals cozy vibes. Now is a great time to start exploring slow burn interests that can help bring comfort and relaxation into the home. Baking, cooking, sewing, weaving, candle making, soap making, and woodworking are all great places to start.


Sometimes one of the easiest way to shut down curiosity and engagement is to suggest that it's time to learn. Instead try strewing, aka stealthily leaving new resources and opportunities causally laying around the house. Don't mention it. Don't draw attention to it. Just leave it out for your children to stumble across and discover things for themselves.

Get Together

Whether it's for learning or strictly social time, hanging out with good friends is a wonderful way to keep the homeschool blues at bay. Call your homeschool besties and start having fun this Winter!