Dos and Don'ts of Supplementing

Learning through a homeschoool cooperative can be a rich and engaging experience for your child. But no co-op can or will provide everything that your child might need.

How and when a family choooses to supplement thier child’s learning will look different based on individual needs and goals.

If you’re thinking about supplementing, here are some helpful Dos and Don’ts to keep in mind.


  1. DO speak with your child's mentor (or other instructors) to get a better sense of what they're already learning and how your individual child is progressing.

  2. DO speak with your child about any gaps that need filling or additional learning they would like to pursue outside of co-op.

  3. DO be mindful of your child's overall workload and capacity for learning.

  4. DO try to spread additional learning out over time.

  5. DO choose educational supplements that align with the ways your child learns best.


  1. DON'T overload your child with additional work.

  2. DON'T try to recreate school at home.

  3. DON'T allow supplementing to become a source of power struggles or strain on the relationship between you and your child.