Two Good Reasons to Supplement

It's not always easy to decide whether or not to supplement your homeschooling.

Though the decision can depend on many factors, here are two good reasons why many homeschooling families decide to supplement.

Your child is interested in subjects they're not currently learning about.

Being able to follow your child's interests is one of the biggest perks of homeschooling.

If your child is interested in a subject they're not currenlty learning about in your homeschool, or they want to dive deeper into something they were exposed to at co-op, supplementing is a great way to allow them the opportunity to pursue it.

Short-term classes, local clubs, city sports, family trips, or specialized learning kits are all wonderful ways to supplement your child’s interest based learning.

Your child shows clear signs of a learning gap, and it's holding them back.

Gaps in learning are not an automatic issue. In fact, they’re pretty normal.

Everyone has different areas of strength and weakness in their learning and over time, we all usually learn to improve upon our areas of weakness as it becomes important for us to do so.

But when your child has a gap that is clearly holding them back from progressing forward in a developmentally appropriate way, it's usually a sign that supplementation is needed.

Depending on what the gap is, the age and stage of your child, and the impact the gap is having on your child, you may need to slow down other learning so you can dedicate more time to targeted practice of the gap concept.

Sometimes, consistent and prolonged gaps in learning, especially the kind that impact your child in multiple areas, can be a warning sign of a learning disorder. If you suspect this, reach out to a professional for a specialized assessment and targeted help.